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Colleague Suggestion box

Chantelle Posts: 4
edited 2023 18 in Everything Else

Could we consider a digital employee suggestion box. We can use a platform that can curate the questions or suggestions by identifying themes, removing duplicates and producing output that could inform perhaps HR or Exco or similar. For emerging themes, Eugene (or another Exco member) could put together a quick video, such as those done during covid, to answer or address those themes - or another member of exco.

It would be critical that something is done with the information and that there is an option for anonymity. The European Journal of Work and Organisational Psychology found that when employees believe their feedback to be anonymous, they were more likely to give honest, constructive input.

Where emerging themes are identified, this could be answered by the CEO as Edelman’s trust Barometer shows that employees want to hear information from their CEO’s directly.

The platform should have clear guidelines around the project will work such as the below:

Campaign purpose: The purpose of the suggestion box campaign is to provide colleagues with a space to ask questions, provide ideas and voice concerns anonymously. It is an opportunity for open dialogue and for colleague voices to be heard in a safe, confidential and inclusive environment.

Submitting questions: You can submit your questions, queries, ideas, suggestions etc via the*** platform with the option to be anonymous. This platform allows you to ask anything that you would typically discuss with a colleague, friend or family member, or that you have been pondering but allows you to do so without time constraints or discomfort.

We ask that the platform is used in an open, honest, responsible, and respectful way With the intention for open, honest, inclusive dialogue and continuous improvement. 

Question curation: In order to streamline the process and ensure relevance, all incoming questions, queires, suggestions etc will be curated by the system followed by an HR representative. The system will group similar queries together, eliminate duplicates and prioritize the most frequently asked questions for response first.

Reponses to questions: Responses will be provided in several ways and the aim is to respond to every question. Some responses may be answered directly by the CEO in weekly video updates or during town hall meetings or another, identified member of exco. Others might be better suited for a response via the platform. Some queries might also be redirected to the appropriate department for a more detailed response.

Tracking actions: The HR representative will track the progress of any action items resulting from queries. They will assign tasks to the appropriate department or individual and will follow up on progress.

Feedback loop: we encourage you to respond to the feedback through the platform. This open dialogue is important to foster a transparent and open culture.

Transparency: while we will strive to answer all questions, there may be instances where we cannot provide a detailed answer due to confidentiality or other considerations. In these cases, we will ensure to communicate the reason openly. 

we appreciate your input and see it as critical to fostering an open and transparent culture. Your questions and suggestions will help us to grow and improve as an organization.

Some platforms that can be considered are Suggestion ox, Officevibe, Free suggestion box, Idea glow or Connecteam. It might be good to see if Workplace has the option to do something like this or perhaps even the workday system.

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