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Funeral product names competition

For the Elib product for the Khubekas we might use NalaYomndeni: "Nala" means "plenty" or "abundance" in Zulu, speaking to the leagacy that will be remain for the family and "Yomndeni" means "of the family." "NalaYomndeni" speaks to our product providing plentiful or abundant support when breadwinners are no longer able to provide this.


  • Chantelle
    Chantelle Posts: 4

    For Tshepo who is financially savvy - Thuthukassure could be a good product name. "Thuthuka" is a Zulu word meaning 'progress' and assure speaks to assurance and stability driving the concepts of forward-thinking, longevity and continuity which would resonate with the persona of Tsehpo. The word sits comfortably in the mouth and rolls effortless off the tongue too.